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[key: *=undergraduate and **=graduate students]


2024. **Bruns A, Flammang BE, Papotti G, Mastropoll C, Hanson T, Anderson I. A bioinspired fish fin webbing for proprioceptive feedback. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. (


2023. Flammang BE. Hitching a Ride (Remoras). Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, Second Edition, Eds. D. Fudge & E. Standen. Elselvier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90801-6.00035-5


2023. **Saro-Cortes V, Sedky G, Ko H, Flammang BE, Wissa AW. Hydrodynamic Evaluation of a Flying Fish Robotic Model Organism: A Study on the Effects of the Caudal Fin Shape. 2023 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Bridgetown, Barbados, 2023, pp. 670-674, doi: 10.1109/CCTA54093.2023.10253130.


2022. Flammang BE. Bioinspired design in research: Evolution as beta-testing. Integrative and Comparative Biology. doi:10.1093/icb/icac134.


2022. **Saro-Cortes V, *Cui Y, *Dufficy T, *Boctor A, Flammang BE, Wissa AW. An Adaptable Flying Fish Robotic Model for Aero- and Hydrodynamic Experimentation. Integrative and Comparative Biology. doi:10.1093/icb/icac101.


2022. **Crawford CH, *Webber-Schultz A, **Hart PB, **Randall ZS, *Cerrato-Morales C, **Kellogg AB, **Amplo HE, Suvarnaraksha A, Page LM, Chakrabarty P, Flammang BE. They like to move it (move it): Walking kinematics of balitorid loaches of western Thailand. Journal of Experimental BIology. doi:10.1242/jeb.242906


2021. Schwaner MJ, Hsieh ST, Braasch I, Bradley S, Campos CB, Collins CE, Donatelli CM, Fish FE, Fitch OE, Flammang BE, Jackson BE, Jusufi A, Mekdara, PJ, Patel A, Swalla BJ, Vickaryous M, McGowan CP. Future Tail Tales: A Forward-Looking, Integrative Perspective on Tail Research. Integrative and Comparative Biology.


2020. Flammang BE, Marras S, Anderson EJ, Lehmkuhl O, **Mukherjee A, **Cade D, **Beckert M, Nadler JH, Houzeaux G, Vázquez M, **Amplo H, Calambokidis J, Friedlaender AS, Goldbogen JA. Remoras pick where they stick on blue whales. Journal of Experimental Biology 223(20): jeb.226654Supplementary materials. Featured in Inside JEB.


2020. **Crawford CH, **Randall ZS, **Hart PB, Page LM, Chakrabarty P, Suvarnaraksha A, Flammang BE. Skeletal and muscular pelvic morphology of Hillstream Loaches (Cypriniformes: Balitoridae). Journal of Morphology.


2020. **Cohen KE, **Crawford CH, Hernandez LP, G Beckert M, Nadler JH, Flammang BE. Sucker with a fat lip: the soft tissues underlying the viscoelastic grip of remora adhesion. Journal of Anatomy


2020. *Hunyadi J, **Currier T, Modarres-Sadeghi Y, Flammang BE, Clotfelter ED. Morphology, performance, and fluid dynamics of the crayfish escape response. Journal of Experimental Biology 223(15): jeb.219873. Featured in Inside JEB


2020. **Cohen KE, Flammang BE, **Crawford CH, Hernandez LP. Knowing when to stick: touch receptors found in the remora adhesive disc. Royal Society Open Science 7: 190990. PDF


2020. **Schwaner MJ, **Deming S, Kmec JA, Flammang BE. Invited Paper: Parenting through Academia as a SICB member. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 60(3): 549–558.


2019. **Gamel KM, **Garner AM, Flammang BE. Bioinspired remora adhesive disc offers insight into evolution. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 14 056014. PDF


2019. Crofts SB, *Shehata R, Flammang BE. Flexibility of heterocercal tails: what can the functional morphology of shark tails tell us about ichthyosaur swimming? Integrative Organismal Biology 1(1):obz002 PDF


2018. **Cohen KE, Hernandez LP, **Crawford CH, Flammang BE. Channeling vorticity: Modeling the filter-feeding mechanism in silver carp using µCT and 3D PIV. Journal of Experimental Biology 221 jeb183350. PDF JEB Outstanding Paper Prize shortlist


2017. Flammang BE, Tangorra JL, **Mignano AP, Lauder GV. Building a fish: the biology and engineering behind an autonomous underwater vehicle. MTS Journal 51(5):15-22. PDF


2017. Flammang BE, Kenaley C. Remora cranial vein morphology and its functional implications for attachment. Scientific Reports 7:5915. PDF Supplementary Material Interactive Model


2017. **Seth D, Flammang BE, Lauder GV, Tangorra JL. Development of a vortex generator to perturb fish locomotion. Journal of Experimental Biology 220:959-963. PDF


2016. **Beckert M, Flammang BE, Nadler JH. A model of interfacial permeability for soft seals in marine-organism, suction-based adhesion. MRS Advances 1(36):2531-2543. PDF


2016. **Beckert M, Flammang BE, Anderson EJ, Nadler JH. Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics of an attached remora (Echeneis naucrates). Zoology 119(5):430-438. PDF


2016. Flammang BE, Lauder GV. Functional morphology and hydrodynamics of backward swimming of bluegill sunfish. Zoology 119(5):414-420. PDF


2016. Flammang BE, Suvarnaraksha A, *Markiewicz J, Soares D. Tetrapod-like pelvic girdle in a walking cavefish. Scientific Reports 6:23711. PDFSupplementary Video 1Supplementary Video 2Supplementary Video 3Interactive Model


2015. **Beckert M, Flammang BE, Nadler JH. Remora fish suction pad attachment is enhanced by spinule friction. Journal of Experimental Biology 218(22):3551-3558. PDF


2014. Kenaley CP, *Stote A, Flammang BE. Morphological basis of labriform sculling in the deep-sea Bigscale Scopelogadus beanii (Percomorpha: Beryciformes). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 461:297-305. PDF


2014. *Youngerman E, Flammang BE, Lauder GV. Locomotion of freely-swimming ghost knifefish: anal fin function during four behaviors. Zoology 117(5):337-348. PDF


2014. Flammang BE. The fish tail as a derivation from axial musculoskeletal anatomy: an integrative analysis of functional morphology. Zoology 117(1):86-92. PDF


2013. Flammang BE and Lauder GV. Pectoral fins aid in navigation of a complex environment by bluegill sunfish under sensory deprivation conditions. The Journal of Experimental Biology 216:3084-3089. PDF Supplemental video


2013. Flammang BE, Alben S, Madden PGA, Lauder GV. Functional morphology of the fin rays of teleost fishes. Journal of Morphology 274(9):1044-1059. PDF


2012. **Kahn Jr. JC, Flammang BE, Tangorra JL. Hover kinematics and distributed pressure sensing for force control of biorobotic fins. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS):1460-1466. PDF


2012. Lauder GV, Flammang BE, Alben S. Passive robotic models of propulsion by the bodies and caudal fins of fish. Integrative and Comparative Biology 52(5):576-587. PDF cover


2012. **Esposito CJ, Tangorra JL, Flammang BE, Lauder GV. A robotic fish caudal fin: effects of stiffness and motor program on locomotor performance. The Journal of Experimental Biology 215(1):56-67. PDF Supplemental video


2011. Flammang BE, Porter ME. Bioinspiration: Applying mechanical design to experimental biology. Integrative and Comparative Biology 51(1):128-132. PDF


2011. Flammang BE, Lauder GV, Troolin DR, Strand TE. Volumetric imaging of shark tail hydrodynamics reveals a three-dimensional dual-ring vortex wake structure. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278(1725):3670-3678. PDFMovie S1Movie S2add'l Video


2011. Flammang BE, Lauder GV, Troolin DR, Strand TE. Volumetric imaging of fish locomotion. Biology Letters 7:695-698. PDFSupplement


2011. Flammang BE, Ebert DA, Cailliet GM. Intraspecific and interspecific spatial distribution of three eastern North Pacific catshark species and their egg cases (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae). Museum of Comparative Zoology Breviora 525:1-18. PDF


2010. Flammang BE. Functional morphology of the radialis muscle in shark tails. Journal of Morphology 271(3):340-352. PDF


2009. Flammang BE, Lauder GV. Caudal fin shape modulation and control during acceleration, braking, and backing maneuvers in bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus. The Journal of Experimental Biology 212:277-286. PDF


2009. Flammang BE, Ferry-Graham LA, Rinewalt C, Ardizzone D, Davis C, Trejo T. Prey capture kinematics and four-bar linkages in the bay pipefish, Syngnathus leptorhynchus. Zoology 112:86-96. PDF


2008. Flammang BE, Lauder GV. Speed-dependent intrinsic caudal fin muscle recruitment during steady swimming in bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus. The Journal of Experimental Biology 211:587-598. PDF


2008. Flammang BE, Ebert DA, Cailliet GM. Reproductive biology of deep-sea catsharks (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) of the eastern North Pacific. Environmental Biology of Fishes 81:35-49. PDF


2008. Van Wassenbergh S, Strother JA, Flammang BE, Ferry-Graham LA, Aerts P. Extremely fast prey capture in pipefish is powered by elastic recoil. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5:285-296. PDF


2007. Flammang BE, Ebert DA, Cailliet GM. Egg cases of the genus Apristurus (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae): Phylogenetic and ecological implications. Zoology 110:308-317. PDF

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